
Mission Mandate

Tune: Little Cornard

(\'Hills of the north, rejoice!)

Luke 10 v.1-24 parts


The Lord did seventy

Send out in pairs, we see

To teach and preach and heal

To show of God\'s good will

And to say that God\'s kingdom near

Is, Christ will soon again appear


Into each house they went

Desiring folk repent

Bringing blessings of peace

Preaching freedom, release

From sins and sickness where folk bound

Salvation all in Christ is found


If peace not accepted

Yet it not forfeited

But did return to those

Who greetings made, they chose

To share God\'s peace with everyone

The lasting peace of Christ the Son


And too a ministry

Of healing to sick, see

Restoring body, soul

Spirit, that all be whole

Sharing Christ\'s compassion and love

By the Holy Spirit, the dove


They to the Lord returned

Their hearts with fervour burned

Lord, even the demons

Flee in your name, each runs

Yet the Lord says greater it, see

That their names writ in heaven be


There the Lord rejoiced too

Freshly inspired anew

That the Father had hid

This from the wise, not bid

Them to know it, but to simple

Was it revealed, to babes the call


Blessed were they, and too we

See things which some not see

Though prophets, kings desired

To see them, spirits fired

Yet they did not see, nor them heard

But we see, hear, His living word