
Happiness with In.

Its not enough to just feel happy each day you need to know your happy from deep in side.

not just believing you are happy but truly knowing you are so is far harder then any one would know.

this takes time but so much more then time alone it take feeling everything.

Going throw hurt and pain as well as joy and excitement.

It takes going throw love and heart break an so much more.

you most first Endure going throw all this an yet still most do not truly find happiness.

Not in love or excitement for sure not in pain or heartbreak.

No Happiness most come from with in.

Happiness is something you most leaner your self an not look for in someone or something else.

This is something that takes time an endurance some may never truly find Happiness but only mask that they have.

When you are truly happy it is only when you are happy with your self.

When you can learn this everything else should simple fall in place.

Weather you enjoy being a janitor or you love to run a business it does not matter.

What really matter is if you are Happy with you self an nothing more.

             to be truly happy is from with in.