
Dear Father

I can\'t breath;
The noose around my neck, you pull it tighter.
You\'re all I see;
My vision smoky
Stop, put down that lighter.
You used to burn much brighter,
Why\'d you do this?
You were an angel, my role model
Then you downed another bottle
Why\'d you do that?
You beat your fucking wife
You scared your little girl, why y\'all always have to fight?
You gave up such a beautiful life
I love you, but you\'re sick
So we had to say goodbye
Counting teardrops in the night
Then my home was out of sight
Why\'d you do this?
I was always Daddy\'s pumpkin
I had all of Daddy\'s lovin\'
But then Daddy got a hold of something
Something bad
It messed with his head
Made him a different man
Made me the woman I am today, you wouldn\'t understand
Who can?
Only one lady
She saved me