

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    AUTUMN MEMORIES

(C) 2016 Edward York


The air was crisp as I awoke,

The sun not yet awake.

I could feel the chill in the air,

With every step that I would take.


Cooler days aren\'t far away,

As summer fades away.

And Autumn gold will be replaced,

By Winter\'s white and gray


Winter is more a family time,

As children stay inside.

Gathered around an evening meal,

There is nowhere else to hide.


This is the time memories are made,

Kitchen smells surround us all.

With holidays like Thanksgiving,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

And Christmas in the mall.


There will be Friday night football games,

Wrapped up with coats, gloves and boots.

Cheering for our favorite team,

With hollers screams and hoots.


While bands are marching on the field,

We have to stand in line.

To get the gourmet treats like hot dogs,

And nachos for us to dine.


Hot Chocolate becomes a real good friend,

All steamy in a mug,

We just move marshmallows aside,

So we can take a chug.


The memories made this time of year,

Have found a place to stay,

They have crawled inside our mind,

And will never fade away.