Trying to find myself
A lifetime of effort
With no beginning
And no End
Going down one-way streets
The wrong way
Ending up in dead-ends
Long times of searching
With nothing to show
I know the ‘what’, but not the ‘who’
The ‘what’ is easy
The ‘who’ unfathomable
The mirror tells the outer story
The dreams maybe the inner
What do my actions and reactions
Tell about who I am?
Are my moods, my happiness, and sadness
Linked to my essence, the ‘who’?
Will I know only for sure
After I die, when I am just soul?
Are the answers in this other dimension
Never to be known in physical life?
Why do I need to know ‘who’ I am?
Is it not enough to know ‘what’ I am?
Would I live my life differently
If I knew ‘who’ I am?
I guess I will never know