Julian Huang

A trip in Sedona.

Strange land, familiar love.  Familiar land, strange love.

I look at her eyes, like I look at my eyes. 

She looks at my eyes, like she looks at her eyes. 

We talk a little, but lips are not moving at all. 

Her beauty has me confused so I ask, when there are infinite stars in the sky, why in my eyes, this one shines the most bright?

These mountains, this moon, and this sky. 

This girl, these stars, and the church. 

These candles, Jesus the Christ, and the love. 

Gently, calmly, all singing together. 

My heart stops and listens, so subtle and tender. 

This song wakes me up, from my cold slumber. 

This is a poetry of my heart. 

Also a secret in the deep of my soul.