

 A broken soul battered and broken to pieces,

The pain inside never stops, it never ceases.

A broken heart torn apart,

Never having a real start.

The holes in my heart and soul,

No one in the world will ever know.

No amount of time will ever repair,

The hurt and pain no one knows is buried there.

People are quick to judge me,

No one even knowing even part of my tragic story.

I wish they could walk in my shoes,

To know my path and the hell I\'ve been through.

The memories and flashbacks in my head,

The darkness and sleep that comes, God knows I dread.

The hell that\'s been my life it\'s a miracle I survived.

It\'s amazing I came out alive.

The torment inside my head,

I want dreams to come instead.

I lay awake in this bed,

Sometimes begging God to take me away instead.

The silent cries no one hears,

No one knows my deepest fears.

People can\'t see the demons, the images in my head,

The nights I lay awake, silent in my bed.

The nights I\'m afraid to go to sleep, 

The same nights I pray to God my soul to keep.

A broken soul battered and broken to pieces,

The hell and pain inside never stops, never ceases.

A broken heart torn apart,

Never having a real start.