
Machination Monstrosity

And did the Iliad follow that grinding bell?

or did Virgil pen Anead in class: the jail?

Did Frost discover “Not all who wander are lost”

To the tune of Biology’s lichen and moss?

Were Chopin’s nocturnes inspired by the roll call?

Or of that beauty would scholastics have dropped the ball?

Superior, has Will Shakespeare’s work always soared?

Or were William Wordsworth’s words always worth a word?

No, No! The babes they were at birth must have  been trained.

The difference, they were taught to make use of brains!

Not prattling incoherent information,

But always to train in the true revelations.

The greats were taught humanity, the best and worst.

Now is taught only what will aid in building drones most.

We must face the truth, turn to humanity’s past

And pray that God does not believe us too disast’ .