
Susan Sarandon

Sexually alluring,

Universally renown for her liberal views,

A phenomenal social activist,

The obsession with her breasts is always news.

A Catholic girl from suburban New Jersey,

Rebellious and outspoken from the start,

At Catholic University she met Chris Sarandon, her husband,

In an audition for Joe, won her first film part.


In The Rocky Horror Picture Show, she gained wider recognition,

She portrayed the naïve, wholesome Janet,

The film became a cult classic,

Audiences now sing along at screenings with the beings from another planet.

Divorce ensued and her career was erratic,

With Pretty Baby, Atlantic City and The Hunger she gained critical acclaim,

Embarking on a life of hedonistic fun and notable love affairs,

She retreated eventually away from Hollywood and the celebrity game.

Suffering from endometriosis,

With no family she travelled the world to help the poor,

At 37, she became pregnant,

She was a mother now with a child to adore.


Her life with a child became complete,

Along came Tim Robbins, her soul-mate,

Her luck with her career changed for the better,

In 1991, she gained her greatest film role to date.

Thelma and Louise was unforgettable,

Ms Sarandon and Ms Davis scored a cinematic hit,

Here were ground-breaking strong females in film,

There was a memorable performance too from future screen legend, Brad Pitt.


Ms Sarandon’s career was resurrected,

The film roles, awards and accolades came her way,

She had everything except an elusive Oscar,

Dead Man’s Walking, fifth attempt, finally she had her day.


Susan Sarandon is the mature woman’s poster girl,

She has carried the flag for 40 plus women in Tinsel town,

Continuing to be politically and socially active,

Her forthright manner often greeted with a frown.

Ms Sarandon turned 70 in 2016,

A glamorous Grandmother, alas with Mr Robbins no longer by her side,

Her star is in no danger of fading,

She lives life to the full,embracing its bumpy ride.