Writings From The Unknown13

Its My Birthday

its my birthday

im 17

happy birthday!!!

so much love is given to me on this day

its my birthday

cherish every minute you have before your birthday

because once you turn the next age

you will never be that age again

a little part of me inside didnt want to turn 17

in the last hour i wanted to stay 16

because its scary how im growing up so fast

where did 2015 go

i have to remind myself to cherish being 17

and to not get used to saying 18 quite yet

its my birthday

i was depressed this week but i have to put my issues aside for today

i have to cherish today and think about my future

its scary being 17

its fun being 16

most of all

its thrilling being 17

its the perfect roller coaster

more freedom 

but still being able to be responsible

its scary

but its worth riding

its my birthday 

my 17th birthday :)