
Never Again (2008)

A handful of E\'s we took

24 hours later I\'m looking pale

My mind is in the doldrums

No wind in my sail

If only I had the strength to be normal

Stick with only alcohol through the night

Now I\'m stuck in limbo

No end in sight

In a bid of desperation, to lift the mood we tick some coke

If there\'s a God looking down he\'s playing a good fucking joke

Never again! I\'ve had enough! No more days of partying wild

My head feels like a rubicks cube in the hands of an autistic child

But in the end who makes the choices?

I\'ve only myself to blame

If it wasn\'t for the Valium I would have long gone insane

I\'m going to stop writing this shit

All my poems sound the same

In reality I\'m really happy, I just want to pass go and finish the game

All this might sound suicidal, but far from that I am

Just the comedown blues I\'m feeling

Where the fuck\'s that valium?

Bad life choices lead me here

But I suppose I can\'t complain 

I could do with something stonger to take away the pain