Jake Holland

The Strangest Place

In this place, I hole my pride.

For only one, knows what\'s inside.

It\'s hall are long, as it\'s rooms are wide,

and just beyond the threshold resides...

Well, let\'s see what we can find.


Bricks in the cupboard, with a monkey in another,

the Virgin Mary with a floating car above her.

A staple gun, that\'s learnt to fly,

and a sausage roll, that wants to try.

A sleeping duck, in a gutted hen.

A scarecrow, dancing with Big Ben.

All this in just one room.

The our journey just began.


In this one I write;

In that one I paint.

I can scream with all might,

Yet no one wakes.

There are no neighbours, non at all.


Outside, we can explore.

Tall, curved buildings,

and the strangest lands.

The golden waters,

and the bluest sands.


Although some of this may frighten you,

it\'s my pleasure to enlighten you.

It may sound heartless, even callous,

I assure you, it\'s harmless,

Within the walls of my memory palace.