
Million Questions

I have so many questions to ask

 I don’t know if my accusations are true

But somehow, I couldn’t find a way to get over you

Too much time to reminisce, too much time to sit and stare

At every lonely moment I’m wishing you was here

So many times that I have cried, so many days I laid there awake

Your loving’s dangerous, just give my heart a break

No amount of apologies could ever take away all the pain I’ve seem to create

Everything that seemed to go wrong was my mistake

Are you happy, or have you ever found relief

Is love still on your mind or do you even believe

Have you ever mentioned my name, or do you think of me

Are you stuck on love, or have you been set free

My feelings are the only things that aren’t destroyed, except me

That’s why I think about you so constantly…

A million question to you from me