Accidental Poet

Heaven\'s Strongest Love


We all have an Angel

Watching over us

An Angel in Heaven

For guidance and trust


When we’ve lost our way

And the choices not clear

Just listen with your heart

An Angel’s voice you’ll hear


They see the lives we live

The struggles we endure

Through Heaven’s windows

They see us for sure


Don\'t give up

Believe there is greatness in you

It\'s there within your heart

An undeniable truth


Listen for a voice inside

Inspirations to uplift

Confidence to begin anew

Just for you, Heaven’s loving gift


Feel them rejoice

When we smile and laugh

An internal embrace

Towards the outwardly half


When I found my birthmother\'s grave

I learned Heaven was real

Because suddenly in my heart

Her presence I could feel


And when clouds gather

Obstructing our view above

Look within your heart

For Heaven’s strongest love


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2017

 Happy Birthday Mom