
One Step At A Time

I had been racing past for so long

Forgotten how it felt to move just one step at a time

Conforming to the beat of a constantly shifting song

Just trying to reach rhyme after rhyme

Swinging through each slow symphony

Sprinting along every long-awaited crescendo 

The orchestra of life, setting me free

Yet also holding me back, forced to face the fading melody


And know as I stand here to glare upon my distant dream

Letting loose the song of my soul shattering the sound of silence

A ray of light piercing through the night, a star to gleam

Biding my time as seconds freeze, testing my patience

Time itself planting me within the earth, only darkness to see

Roots shoot out clenching the night, trunk blasts past all dirt in sight, branches bloom speckled with green teardrops

End of fervor, end of the rush, forced to wait, though I shall never stop