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Dinosaur Rodeo

Dinosaur Rodeo


It was a dinosaur rodeo

With animals of all kinds

There was a mighty t-rex

And a giant porcupine


One cowboy rode a triceratops

And received a very high score

He rode his needed 8 seconds

Leaving the fans wanting more


Stegosaurus was a good draw

And the rider rode him well

Though he got hung up in his rigging

And landed on his tail


A fan favorite was the mastodon

That paraded ‘round the grounds

Led on a giant leash

And monstrous all around


One cowboy did his best

With the wings of a pterodactyl

But the animal used the things

And escaped with the saddle


The cowboy  last to ride

Rode eight seconds on a bull

Though the animal was judged too lame

And was really rather dull