

13 years old,  wondering what to become

Certain ideas manifesting themselves in my mind

Dreams of a rockstar spreading through my head

Or the moon? Maybe im heading that way

Thoughts of acting, writing, maybe rhyming threading around my desires

But by the time im 20, the dreams are but a distant memory

Shadowed over by drink, women, parties, and maturing

The 13 year old being forgotten and tossed aside

I act stupid, make mistakes misbegotten and actions more primitive then his

The fantasies of before lying dormant, seeming more like a delusion

So at 31 i start to wonder, where did they go?

What barstool did i drop them under? Or did they slip into the bottom of a bottle

I think of where im at and who i am

My life and how far ive come

Somewhere along the way my path was lost

It becomes clear that a forgotten dream can become resentful 

And thats when it becomes a nightmare