

I see it,

I can’t pretend it isn’t there

that worthless emotion in their eyes


Oh how even the taste of the word

on my tongue fills me with

endless,depthless disgust

I am not a child

to have my head filled with

sugar coated words

and empty praise

I am used to the pain

you know that

or else why would

you looked at me like a dog

kicked aside by my master

And yet you treat me

like something less

like scum upon the

sole of your shoe

I am a survivor but

your pity

makes me want to die

sometimes I wish I hadn’t

survived so I didn’t have to see

it in your shallow eyes

do you my “Friend”

know me


I am nothing but a face

a body to be

gossiped about to your friends

a charity case to make you

not me

feel better in this world

Do not shower me with pity

I don’t need it

I don’t want it

I scorn it with a fiery

eternal passion

along with you

So when I hear pity it is

your name on my tongue

dancing across my sensitive buds

making me want to throw up


No I am not pity

I am anger


even sadness

but not pity

never pity

No matter how much you wish it so.