it was
a queer contraption
clear sides
a box
of sorts
nothing within
but a kind of
vortex machinery
spinning incessantly
in a direction that
when looked at closely
appeared to be
from an open-funnel arrangement
came a strange sound
oddly attractive
seeming somehow sad
and melancholy
creating the sensation
of a tang
on the tip of the tongue
like the sharp and slightly fruity
of a sunny day
in a distant
young Spring
and the sound
the song
also seemed
I asked the man
what he was doing
what his machine
was meant to achieve
do you
have time
do you have
enough time
I do not
he said
this machine
the St Nemom machine
is a storage unit
for stray moments
all the wasted time
that washes around us
around the world
so very much of it
the St Nemom
draws it in
captures and contains it
and sir
when I judge
it is enough
why then
the future
will be mine