
Thinking of Nothing.

I was sitting on my cloud

Happily contemplating nothingness

When God arrived

“Can I sit on the cloud next to you?”

He said

“It’s a free heaven,” I said

“You can sit where you like”

“Thanks” he said

“What are you doing?” he asked

“Thinking” I said

“Thinking of what”


“What do you mean nothing?” he asked

“You must be thinking of something!”

“There is nothing for me to think about”

I answered,

“The only thing that is in my mind

Is that if I think of nothing

I have nothing to worry about”,

“That’s a very negative approach” He said,

“What should I think about?” I asked,

“You are supposed to look after us

So if I think and do nothing all will be well”.

“What a load of drivel!” he said,

“ If you do nothing, nothing will change,

You were brought into the world to make it better”.

“But if we weren’t here it would be perfect” I replied,

“Man would not make a hash of it”.

“You are not making a hash of it,

You are getting some things wrong

But you are learning,

Learning from your mistakes”.

“Why should we make mistakes,

You are perfect and you made us in your image,

So why aren’t we perfect!” I shouted.

“If you were perfect,” he said

“You would never learn,

And learning the right way

Is what I created you for”.

“But we make so many mistakes

This world could soon be dead!”

“So learn a different way” he said.