Accidental Poet



How quickly time has past

Smile for the moment we share

Blink, and it’s gone so fast


Yes, time waits for no one

It continues on with or without you

Each day, a new inspiring dawn


Don’t live your life in haste

Remember what Bonnie said

“Life gets mighty precious

When there’s less of it to waste”


Live each new day

Without worry of the shadow you cast

Trust God will help you find your way


Fear not the uncertain future

You’ll not change the past

Today you’re just a present day commuter


Do not forsake tomorrow

With the results from yesterday

Start today a quest to let go of all your sorrow


For a new sunrise awaits you

Greet the morning light with a smile in your heart

And let time awaken your life pleasures anew


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2004