myself and me

Tonight, I feel lonely


Tonight, I feel lonely

Doubts and uncertainty

Confusion and misunderstanding

Creeping along the veins

Corroding my bones

Like slow poison

Numb me

Kill me

Disappointments and despair

Loneliness and helplessness

Pushing me into the dark hopeless abyss

I feel lonely tonight  


Tonight, I can not feel your love

Inch by inch, the distance between our hearts increase

till we can not feel each others beat anymore

Step by step, our bodies were dragged to the opposite directions

till our hands can not reach each other anymore

Block by block, the wall between us grows taller

till we are not in each others eyes anymore

I can not feel your love tonight  


Tonight, the song is sad

Cold wind blows me shaking

Cold rain wets my soul

Lost its softness

My heart is as hard as stone

No tears run down my emotionless face

The song is sad tonight  


Tonight, I am lonely