Frank Prem

nostalgia in the night

once upon a time
on a night like this
I’d rise from my bed
get outside
under cover on the porch


and as the rain
gentled down above my head
I’d light a flame
take a drag


glow into the darkness
and the murmuring
of quiet


cigarette smoke
and a sense of peace
no-one else awake
or alive
only myself on planet earth


at two a.m.
I salute the rain by listening
from the bed where I’ve laid down
old bad habits
and tuned into the happiness
of a show-biz frog
rendition-ing his mating call
across the street


for a moment
I almost felt the touch against my lips


blue smoke against night-black


at two a.m.
I’m an aging fool
lighting up nostalgic old sins
and I really should know better


so good night


good night


as I drift away
I can hear a gentle rain
lay down

