

Roses are red, Violets are blue.

The sky as you can see, is in a bitter black and blue.

My dreams turned into nightmares

My nightmares into a harrowing reality

Locked within the walls of my own mind

Can someone get me out?

Does anyone  even care?


Look, look there she goes again trapping herself within these walls

reaching out for help, that\'s not there

Please, can\'t you see it?

They are coming

Oh oh oh my demons are here

Little by little crawling inside my skin

Eating the pieces left behind of my vacant soul



Mirror Mirror you never lied to me before

I know you, my friend, would show me the cruel reality even if I hid away

you will show how broken and fragile I have become

you will show me how exhausted and worn out

this little heart of mine is

Am I free now?

Can I leave this world without tasting true freedom?

Should I fight for what has been taken?

Insecurity has never been my enemy but my closest friend

Am I strong enough to fight it?

But why should I if it is all I have ever known?