
Little Jewel

Tender dreams were tragically crushed

A shoe sole shattered to pieces, the buckle cracked in two

Vicious words were uttered

The leather slowly fading

As it was held together with glue

The glue chipped away and down the hole I went


Deep down I traveled where dark was the only light

Depression the only emotion

Depression is the only smell

Rain pours down, soaking you

The wind comes by, chilling you to the bone

Life is a roller coaster that only goes down

Down. Down.

Depression lays down on you like a weight, pushing harder

And harder- until it ruptures.


But then you see the light.


The roller coaster smoothes out into a level pace

And the weight lifts

And the smell of happiness hits your nose

And the light- so beautiful- is shining


Shine bright little light

I’m surprised at what you do

You are vast and yet you are miniscule

Wondrous, hope giving and promising

Like a jewel in the sky



When life plunges down

If no one is there

Then you shine your light

The whole ride, shine bright little jewel

You stay the whole ride,

Not just for the ups, but for the downs too


Thank you for the small spark

You helped me see the path to take

Though miniscule you may be

Small, but bright.

You are a miracle, little jewel


Shine bright little light

I’m surprised at what you do

You are vast and yet you are miniscule

Wondrous, hope giving and promising

Like a jewel in the sky