I’m a monster there i said it, but hear me out! I don’t deserve all the credit I’m absolutely a monster and it’s not for something I didn’t do but it’s all because I was wrongfully accused you labeled me a monster and everyone believed it. my world crumbled over night and I couldn’t even believe it. There I found the darkest hole I ever could imagine, and in this hole is where it finally happened, I broke, I went through total destruction, parts of me have completely ceased to function. it’s a joke you see cause I’m in a t shirt when it’s supposed to be freezing but the people around me are so cold there seizing almost like I don’t feel shit except the five million hair follicles that always seem to itch and the crawl of bugs beneath my flesh words can’t even describe the rest In the dark with monsters the odds are never even it was drugs stupid and that is where I found my demon everything beautiful lost it’s meaning when I slept I completely stopped dreaming suddenly all emotion started feeling red that little voice on your shoulder yep mines dead I’ve been depressed and let me tell you this was something else instead who you knew before has completely left this head, in the dark I learned to see and soon I started noticing wait this isn’t me I do not fear I do not care where’s love where’s joy I used to feel these things where’s the warmth after my smile why’s it empty where that belongs? Why does my eye twitch why does everything about me suddenly feel wrong I have a slight recognition of writing something maybe a song? STOP! there, did you see thats it part of the monster that’s inside of me. Just a bunch of broken that doesn’t make any sense put it all together and that’s the monster that they see but I was never a monster not until you made me!