
The Clock is Ticking Down

The Clock is Ticking Down


What you do, do it well,

When you walk, stride with pride,

When you talk, speak it proudly,

When you sing, sing it loud and clear,

When you pray, pray well,

When you’re wrong, apologize.


But no, not good enough,

Still better what you do,

For life is too short and you’re running out of time,

The clock ticks down,

Still better what you do.


What you do, do it right,

When you walk, stoop to help others,

When you talk, may praises fly from your lips,

When you sing, sing to make someone’s day,

When you pray, pray for someone in need,

When you’re wrong, apologize.


Life is too short to be bitter and cold,

The clock is ticking down,

Warm your heart one more time before the fire goes out,

The clock is ticking down,

Be happy with the graciousness you have bestowed,

For the clock is ticking down.