WL Schuett

Inside Out

a single lonely Sparrow cries . 


He will never be back 

from infinity. 

Apprenticeshipped in the 

Guild Of disaster .

He slid through the mist 

and into the darkness . 


The intensity of dreams 

the banditry Of ideals . 

The nut house factory of 

covert conclusions.

Fragments of wisdom . 

Music lost in a time continuum. 

It should have been his 

time to judge the fury of 

the wildflowers in a storm . 


Unnerved by silence 

I watched from a house 

without words . 


An innocent , cruelly 

struck by fate . 

He was a friend of Dorothys 

and a friend of mine . 

He will never see the Rainbow 

from the inside out . 


A sensitive man 

draws eire . 

He was where the the butterflies 

and the Angels came 

to be born . 

He lived from the 

inside out . 


Comfort in remorse .

Torment in conscience . 

Regret in waves of 

aching emotions . 

I cry for atonement 

and a salve for my soul . 


That mysterious light that 

came from him 

also came from me 

and from everyone 

and everything , 

but I just couldn’t 

see inside out .