
What is Evil?

Alright, wait a minute! Let’s capture evil
Is it a man with a sniper rifle in hand, climbing the stairs of a steeple
Screwed up on dope and lost all hope, looking down scope and taking shots at people
Is it a mother who thinks she made a mistake and drove her van in a lake
While her kids were in the back chowing some birthday cake
Pretending it was an accident while her mind can only fixate hate
What do we know, well it goes to show we can only imagine
What snaps in minds of those who seem fine and it always ends so tragic
Is evil a man who stole a child playing in their yard
Caused her harm while her mother was off guard
Vanished without any alarm
Is it a homeless man chewing the hand of another homeless man
High on bath salts and sick of eating from trash cans
Is it the devil or the preacher, they both take advantage
Influencing minds and causing permanent damage
Fingers pointing every which way, and I don’t think evil can clearly be defined today

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