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My Uncle Was A Neanderthal

My Uncle Was A Neanderthal


My uncle was a neanderthal

And he smoked a little pipe

His wife was very tall

And if pushed would take a life


My cousin was half cro-magnon

And he grunted when he talked

He sometimes used a boomerang

And stooped over when he walked


My granddaddy carried a club

And used it now and then

He pulled my grandmother by her hair

And she was bald by 10


My mother was very hairy

And painted on cave walls

She fed us many things

And had no man at all


My brother was a gatherer

And helped around the cave

He did some cooking there

With the mammoth that we craved


My daughter was a super model

And wore a leopard skin

Her boyfriends she often throttled

With her daddy’s man-sized hands