
Servant Salvation

Tune: Thornbury

(\'Thy hand, O God, has guided\')

Isaiah 42 v.1-8


Behold, my servant here be

I uphold Him here, see

He my chosen, my elect

Will do my will perfect

My spirit on Him, anointed

By me He shall be led

He shall bring forth my judgement

To Gentiles, no relent


He shall not cry, nor shout out

But He without a doubt

Shall continue ministry

Though voice in street not be

Heard loud or raucous, yet He shall

Through me do all things well

A bruised reed He shall not break

But restoring shall make


A smoking flax shall not be

Quenched by Him, He will, see

Bring forth judgement unto truth

Renew us as in youth

He shall not fail, not shall be

Discouraged, know we He

Shall set judgement in the earth

All shall give Him His worth


Thus says the LORD who made all

I did unto you call

My servant, and did Him bless

Called Him in righteousness

And will your hand hold, you keep

You shall gather my sheep

And give you for a covenant

To my people you [be] sent 


To Gentiles you be a light

And give spiritual sight

To open blind eyes and free

Prisoners who bound be

To bring from darkness to light

Make prison houses bright

The LORD be my name, this I do

Bring salvation anew