“I’m fine,” She says walking through the door dizzy and cloudy
The procedure went without complication, no need to worry
The doctors, wooden dolls mouths crashing open and closed say
I try gazing out through the window, to see the bright day
It’s fine, mind in circles, insanity creeping at the edge of those words
Floating along the dark, tense air tickling my ear, failing to be heard
Fear planted within, growing and bursting at my seams, though it’s not for me
She’s fine, I know it in my head but there’s a delay to my heart, unable to simply be
Every part of me seemed to be holding its breath, clutched by Doubt’s frozen fist
Heart pounding like a timer spelling doom, wanting to explode from my chest
Rushing water thrashing against a steel dam that just won’t seem to even crack
Memories flooding my thoughts until it reaches the present and fades to black
Everything’s fine, despite my very being grasping to the edge of its chair
Looming upon an endless abyss, marked with misery and despair
Yet, I gather myself up and build back up to a steely calm
Banishing terror from my soul and staring with defiance at my fear
Recovering dusty hope and grey dreams, nearly begun to embalm
A silence enters my mind opening my eyes, and everything is clear