
Stood The Test of Time

I first saw her,

when I was a small child.

Yet, I thought about her,

all through elementary, middle,  and high school.

\'What ever happened to her\',

I would day dream.

I then fell down on hard times,

after high school.

Both of my parents had passed.

I had no place to live.

So I spent a year homeless,

before spending nine years in the army.

I have fought in the worst battles.

So while everyone wrote to their families,

I pretended to write,

to the girl that I met when I was five.

As I was in the most forgotten about places,

on the face of this earth.

There were times,

when I thought I saw the girl,

and yet I did not even know,

what she had looked like now.

Once I was out of the army,

again, I was a homeless vet.

\"Lord I recieve you.

Please save me!

Do not let me die just yet\",

I yelled.

I recollect as I was twenty-eight.

I walked into a church for the homeless.

I noticed a woman helping,

a man with one leg to a seat in the front row.

At first I did not think of it to much,

that is, until I saw who it was.

It was that same smile, same eyes, and same hair.

My whole life,

I wondered,

what happened to her,

and the whole time she was there.

After the service,

as everybody was leaving,

and she was straightening all the seats.

I slowly walked toward her,

and asked, \"Do you remember me\".

Before she even looked up,

she paused for three seconds.

She slowly looked up and examined me,

and then let a small tear,

fall from her eye.

Her sweet perfume,

from her beautiful dress,

mixed with the stench,

of my old dirty jacket.

I could not find the words to speak.

\"I... uh... It\'s\", I said,

before she just jumped toward me,

and hugged me for dear life.

\"Praise God!

The Lord has answered my prayers\",

she said,

as she began to cry tears of joy.