Accidental Poet




I know they’re up there

Waiting on word to go

Trillions upon trillions

Little soldier flakes of snow


Plotting against us

Such devious little ones

Hording amongst themselves

Until they fall by the tons


A blinding whiteout

They attack you and me

Silent but deadly

Limiting our ability to see


Gaining strength as a Nor’easter

AKA a New England Blizzard

Commander in chief of winter storms

By every snowflake a respected Wizard


Arch enemy of the warm Sun

He enlists the help of arctic air

Beckoning warm precipitation

To ripe battlefield he dares


With howling winds they begin to fall

Accumulation of inch upon inch

The soldier snowflakes

Claiming, “This should be a synch”


But who’s this bundled up warrior

With soldier snowflake shootin’ machine

Snowflakes piling up so high

The enemy so new and mean


Clearing a driveway down to asphalt

Laughing as the snowflakes fly

Under the warm Sun

The snowflakes say good-bye


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2014