The years pass without notice in an out of Relationships just to cover the pain i am trying to avoid.
then I find her the one I think the pain slowly fades ,then yet again I\'m left without nothing to grab at.
The Cover is pulled back like a dam breaking do to the back up of everything its holding onto.
Now the pain is back an I notice she was not the one yet again but you were the one.
the pain is not from this last one leaving the pain I feel is from the one i screwed up.
The pain is from so long ago it almost feels faded but its not.
Some days i move forwards without a thought of her even know i am always think of her.
The hardest pain is know i screwed up an she did not.
Everything i do is just to build a cover to mask her so that i don\'t feel this pain.
Then there are some day\'s where i want the pain but can not find it because i have covered it so much.
now when i think of you i do not know what i feel everything so masked under this cover now.
Love , pain it all seems the same now I still know no matter what i would do it all again just to be with you for one more minute.