

Sometimes I forget what day of the week it is, 

Other days I don\'t even know what time of the day it is, 

Usually because total darkness is where I stay, 

I wake up to look around and the facts of my reality hit me, 

So by all efforts I do everything I can to convince my body to 

Drift back into total nothingness, 

When I wake my body still acts tired, 

I even yawn constantly no possibility I could still be tired, 

Sometimes I check the date and the time paying attention to 

the AM or PM ,

Why I check these things seem pointless since I have nothing, 

I have no plans, no one that cares about me, 

I am existing taking up space on this Earth but the \" WHY \"

I don\'t know,

Being this way will not give me the outcome I desire, 

It\'s as though I need to do something, 

There are two paths which I can see the entrance to,

But I can\'t see the things that happen along the path, 

I feel my brain telling me FIGHT!


All my reasons why I should make a plan! 

Start making it happen!


I can just keep sleeping my days away until the day comes that 

I don\'t wake up again!