
Why do you do what you do

School is hard enough

Without society dictating us

Without our peers judging us

Without our teachers pushing us


Why do you do what you do

Why do you judge someone for being themselves 

Why do you hate on that one person

That one person who hasn\'t done anything wrong to you

What about that girl you made fun of

What did she do to you?


Our peers control our lives if we let them

They force us to be this \'perfect\' person

 A skinny body, long hair, make-up, the lot

Just so we have that so called \'perfect\' body we are striving for

We are striving for it so we dont get picked on

So we aren\'t labelled as \'different\'

So we can join in with the popular


Why do you do what you do

Why do you strive for others to reach the impossible 

Why do you see someone happy and decide to break them

Why do you see someone pretty in their own ways

An make them what you clasiffy 

As \'ugly\' 


Perfect grades are not always needed

Your teachers praise you for them

Your parents do so too

But you don\'t want to be a \'teachers pet\'

You dont want to be that \'smartass\' or \'nerd\'


Why do you do what you do

Why do you judge someone based on their last name

Why do you hate on that couple that are happy

You hate on them so often one doesn\'t know if it\'s worth the pain anymore

Why do you find it fun to put someone in pain

Not physically but mentally


That person you bully acts fine 

But that doesn\'t make it fine

That doesn\'t make it okay for you to keep doing that crime

The crime of breaking someone

Breaking their emotions an soul


Why do you do what you 

Why do you stand by when you see someone in pain 

Why do you watch as someone falls

Maybe it\'s because  your scared to help

But that person is scared to live

Live a free life and be themselves 

That person you think is fine

Is not fine 


They take their life

And that\'s when you notice them

When its too late 

That\'s when you notice how society affected them

Taking away their freedom day by day

Thats when you realise how unhappy they were



Why do you do what you do?