

H . A . T . E .


H.einous crimes against Humanity.

H.urting feelings to be Harmful.

H.arsh words only creating Humility.

H.ot-Headed when pressure Hits.


A.ttachment to an egotistic Attribute.

A.ttracting nothing buy Apocalypse. 

A.sshole that isn\'t Aware.

A.part from their Actions.


T.ime-bomb of emotions Ticking.

T.eaching, but the one that is in need of a Tutor.

T.raitor that trades his morals for Treason.

T.ricking the mind into bad Thinking.


E.ating away at my Emotions.

E.ternal suffrage causing Euphoria.

E.nergy draining and leaving no Essence.

E.ngraved and vigilant intentions that are Ever-lasting.

