The day was over,
I sat relaxing in my chair,
The aches and pains of a hard day
Being refreshed
As I sat and listened,
Listened to the Nocturnes of Field,
So calming,
So beautiful.
A glass of good malt in my hand,
The occasional sips,
Dispelling the tension in my soul.
I looked back on the day,
The hard work of the afternoon
Rehearsing for the performance.
The performance,
All dressed in our finery
As the Choir sang,
Sang to a receptive audience.
We sang our final song,
And the applause astounded us,
We had sung well,
And all enjoyed it.
We all went home happy,
And as I sit relaxing
Soft music wafting over me
And good malt sliding within me
I look back at the day and wondered,
And in that wondering I realised,
I realised that despite the tiredness,
The tiredness that is overcoming me,
I had had a very good day.