La Plume De Noir

Flower Of Life

What a complex and mysterious thing it is
secreted away in her Vale Of Thighs
Both the Source of life and creation\'s pleasure
Humanity\'s one great wonder and enviable Prize

Across the central cleft of this petaled array
appears a delicate pink floral bloom
housed in secrecy amid those pliant pink folds
a tiny pearlescent pink budding there looms

Nature in demonstrating her infinite wisdom
chose to deny us males the replicating of life
like typical drones in the animal kingdom
we provide and protect but are first to be sacrificed

What in regarding this life giving enigma
launches this complex series of human creation
In the pleasure-and-reward driving forces of nature
life is triggered simply through pleasurable sensation.

Requires natural endowments and specialized skills
for the generation and fostering of our progeny
No male is equipped to accept such commitment
not for a mere few moments of sexual ecstasy

Woman in sole possession of this petaled array
accept commitment that spans over years
No man would take on such burden for thrills
nor over such strenuous demands persevere

Enfolded and hidden beneath its clitoral hood
resides the driver and trigger of all human life
But what woman pays for a few moments of pleasure
she pays an outrageous and everlasting price

Behind her willingness to shoulder such hefty burden
remains a perplexing mystery to this confused man
whose emotional range is so severely limited
that we males cannot fulfill Nature\'s most basic plan

In the complex realm of human femininity
of generosity concern and great tolerance for pain
and her willing sacrifice to birth foster and nurture
is why regarding human life Women alone reign