Michael J. Schaeffer




In the Day\'s after the 60\'s it must have been easy to just Disappear. A New Hair Cut and a Beard to Show No One Who You Really Were. A Little Gray Hair Mixes in with the Darkness of the Hair Dew. Like a Look of Christ within the Mirror Before You. Christ Facing the Public. To Maybe Even Disappear as Jesus did into Heaven. The Kingdom of Freedom, The Wall, legal Immigration, The Law(God) or a Death Sentence(Lucifer). It\'s Easy to Disappear? Hitchhike the Highway, Climb the Stairway, Cloud 9 and Even Threw an Elevator Maybe. Reaching Your Heaven. Nothing is that Easy in this World of Ours. Maybe it\'s Even More the Reason to just Evaporate, Dissolve and Fade after a Decade like the 60\'s. The Sun, The Beach, The Boardwalk and The Stage. After all the Politics and War. The War that We Dropped a lot of Bombs on Southeast Asia and the Continuing Cold War. It was in the Agony of it All that Diminished the Draft. Elivs, Hendrix and the Citizens Elected to Defend. It Most have been Easy to just Disappear After the Decade of the 60\'s Ended???
