Fay Slimm.






Sages say the real \"I\" inside me knows it all,
understands well
the make-up of one cell, what causes dawn,
where light is born,
or how oceans come thus far and no further,
the make-up of stars,
how lightning forms, what tales ants murmur
or the reason for seasons,
knows the language of whales, how bees fly
and why birds migrate,
the meaning of beasts hierarchical wildness,
how to make beauty
in one awesome snowflake, or nature\'s way

of life-reproduction

within polluted rivers, oceans and lakes.


Savants say the higher Me has full access
and taps great Intelligence,
that this real \"I\" understands why all have
laughter and can feel pain 
in other hearts, understands how to prove 
care by compassion,
never under-estimates the power of Love,
and intuitively uses its
means to restore earth\'s balance although
my inner \"I\" has not
yet informed me how to control this flow

of reflective wisdom

found within my senseless \"not-knowing.\"