
Everyone\'s Share Of Problems

Everyone has their share of problems.

A long life seems highly over rated.

Moving forward is not as easy as it sounds.

For instance everything has passed that I\'ve just stated.

Still, a kind word goes a long way.

So does a diplomatic solution.

So men be nice to your ex\'s,

and women don\'t worry about what your men are doing.

It may not always be easy.

However, it is better than being mean.

Because being nice can give you friends,

and maybe something extra in between.

So try not to over anylize,

but think before you act.

Just make sure your heart is a bigger size

than the brain a lot of us lack.

We will always have our share of problems in life.

We just live it to our best.

Know right from wrong.

Choose God, not the devil,

and everything will fall into place.