
An Ode to Sleep

Solemn silence sows many seeds of solitude
During all the days I\'d much rather conclude.

When stress has pressed upon my nerves
And I\'ve no patience stored in reserves,
I yearn for detachment from consciousness;
An undisturbed slumber\'s my only wish.

No more do I harbor any desire
To remain abstractly imprisoned within
Whatever my mind\'s somehow conspired
To fool my naive imagination.

I tire of exhausting all my capacities;
I\'ll soon drift to sleep, heeding all my soul\'s pleas,

But why, every night, am I brought to my knees
With desperation and heavy unease?
I know I\'m owed no affirmed guarantees,
But what other penance must I appease?

Ethereal rivers, come carry me home,
So I may no longer feel so alone.
No more do I care to aimlessly roam;
All of those feelings, I hope I\'ve outgrown.