O.G. Tone

I GUE$$ I AM HER ...P.I.M.P??? ..DADDY

I am going to play the sucker role

For her pretty ass

One more damn time

She caught me on the worst

Day of my pathetic life

I was caught in a server weather storm

I didn\'t know it at the time

But I had fallen madly in love

With a young Latin accent speaking

Female fox

She was a tall glass of water

With a blondish silver streak

That ran through her wavy hair

She must have been born

Part of a wild mixed breed of female

And vampire

She is a shrewd ill tempered

Treacherous vixen

A heartless profligate

And a known hussy

I never was able to see her in the day time

Like normal people meet

We were always able to pick up

Where we last left off

By way of night

What was left of a beautiful day

Just went away like a pack

Of cigarettes you smoked

I never knew were she live

Nor did I ask

Or did I really care

All I had to go on

Was a place to meet in a time

I never knew what we were ever waiting on

Maybe we were waiting on the world to end

To be together

It is a convenient way to look at things I guess

Or what ever this love thing means

How did I ever know this mysterious women

Would ever show up again

At our set time

I never knew is what made it so interesting to me

All I know is love is blind

How big of a chump must I be

I asked myself

And then as always

She popped out of know where

like a thought

Running in my direction

Like school had just let out for recess

In all my hard feelings just dissipated

In the wind

And when she folded up in my arms

I thoughtlessly said to her

Unbenounced that she looks shorter

She in return said I am taller then napoleon

That is her I said to myself

She is a female version of me

Damn we are meant to be together

I am in love with this whore

And it seems like forever ...right

She fucks other men for a living

And I let her ...why

Am I just her pimp

Or am I this really great guy

That she loves

I have to question my actions

Too if I am or not

She gives me all the money she makes

She pulls out rolls of money stuffed

In her see through bra

She tells me to keep it and to protect her

From all the dirty deeds that come with her life style

I am know professional

As I told her

But I do know a whores track record

Is full of sexual encounters in favors

But what she dose for me hides that coward

I let her be free

But it will coast you by the hour

I guess in all fairness

I am the only one who cares about

This bitch

I except all her faults unconditionally

To me she is my women

To you she is a fantasy girl

A play thing

A whore

But the fucken truth is

I guess I am her pimp daddy