JESUS was Rich ~ beyond Man\'s splendour

To show God\'s Love ~ HE became Poor

His Throne for a Manger did surrender

Sapphire paved Courts for a Stable Floor !

JESUS was Rich ~ beyond Man\'s splendour

To show God\'s Love ~ HE became Poor.


JESUS is GOD ~ beyond all Praising

All for Love\'s sake ~ became a Man !

He stooped so low ~ but Sinners Raising

Heavenwards by God\'s Eternal Plan

JESUS is GOD ~ beyond all Praising

All for Love\'s sake became a Man !


JESUS is  LOVE ~ beyond all telling

Sovereign & Saviour ~ here we see !

IMMANUEL ~ within us dwelling

To make us what God would have us be

JESUS is LOVE ~ beyond all telling

Sovereign & Saviour ~ here we see !


Thanks for visiting ~ Comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX


This POEM is based on a Hymn by Frank Houghton


This Poem has the THREE \"R\'s\"  Rhyme ~ Rhythm ~ Repetition

The rhyme pattern is  ABabAB  CDcdCD   AEefEF this pattern 

provides emphasis and make it easy to sing & remember ~ OK!