Andrew Guzaldo



 “My dear, your words hold,
Me like a hostage, 
Trapped inside an empty box,
Captivated in finding a way out,
Always anxious to get a,

Glimpse of what once was,
I knew that this was love, 
A love that could last an eternity,  
Or so we once thought. 
We were ripped apart by others,   
Baring obsequious temerity,

Confusing us in mendacious ways,
If not for the distance between us, 
However if there was no palaver talk, 
Just maybe we would be together,

No matter what we decide, 
There must be some end to this love tale?   
Still worrisome about our future, 
But one thing is for sure as hell,

Hating each other is not an option;  
I shall crave you always to fill,
This empty hole in my Soul,
I will be with you,

