

By Arcassin Burnham     *You\'ll never see the light of day again in shambles*, *Breaking my legs and my feet bleeding walking miles to you*, *there is so wonders in these trees that can heal us*, *I know that I could be the one to love and serenade you*.   *We might have had these growing pains for a little while*, *The smile on your face is powerful enough in this room*, *to hold and kiss you like a movie scene more like a sequence*,
*Oh my love*,*will you get here soon*?

No more constructs to this flesh, I wanna love you.
I would say that I\'m blessed , your heavenly too.
you put your heart in my hands when the flower bloomed,
There is no way I can replace you , its impossible,
*To spoil you rotten* , *less forsaken quite like some  days in June*.