Accidental Poet

Taking a little time off

  Some of you may have noticed I haven’t been posting everyday like I was. Recently there were a few less than desirable notes left in my poems that really got me very annoyed. One noter left such a rude and disgusting note that I reported him to those in charge and they were terminated from this site. I also heard that Fred Peyer had a nasty noter too. Then I had another noter who wasn’t nasty like the first one, but his writing style I find to be very annoying and difficult to read, and I was trying to just ignore it. Then this noter left a note in my poem in regards to another poet and he kept coming back to reply to the other noter. I finally decided to hit the “ignore” button on this noter so he will not be reading or noting my poems anymore.

  Maybe I reacted wrongly, maybe not, but I’ve had to deal with this before on other sites. And I have to admit I’m losing my patience with this BS. I’m not upset with MPS for any of this as they dealt with it immediately when I asked them to on the first encounter. On the second encounter I dealt with it in my own way. I’ve no desire to leave MPS, but I do feel the need for some down time. For the time being I’ve have decided to take a little time off. Thank you to all the great wonderful talented poets who have been reading my work. I appreciate you as much as you all have shown your appreciation of me. So until we meet again (hopefully not too long) I wish you all a very very Happy New Year and that your quill never runs dry.

 Sincerely, Accidental Poet.