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Country Christmas Ho Down

Country Christmas Ho Down


Country folk love their music

And they will tell you so

They dance at the dance halls ‘oft

And do the do-si-do


Young and old dance around

And do a little jig

They enjoy the fiddle sound

And eat a fatted pig


Banjos duel and guitars play

And the country folk dance all night

Brothers and sisters quarrel a bit

And suitors sometimes fight


Couples kiss and share their love

And teens talk to each other

Men smile at their mates

And old flames are quickly smothered


And there is the mistletoe

When Christmas comes around

Where feelings spark and relations grow

With new love all around


The men take a break outside

Underneath a full moon light

They sip their whiskey and smoke a bit

And talk about their lives


Headlights shine on old farm trucks

With Santa’s sleigh parked there

Several trucks were getting stuck

And in need of some repair


Many saw Santa’s sleigh

And thought it a bit ironic

That so many trucks could get stuck

While the sleigh was supersonic